Consistent high standards with fish and seafood quality analysis

Rapid tests on fish and shellfish for fat, oil, moisture, protein and aqueous salt ensures brand protection and efficient processing


Freshness, colour, oil content, fat content, texture, nutritional value, water retention – the list of quality parameters of fish and seafood goes on. But given the delicate and vulnerable nature of fish and seafood there are plenty of potential risks to quality. Cheating for financial gain introduces even further threats to quality. At the same time, there is a growing interest of consumers in food quality and safety issues.

Traditional analytical methods for fish and seafood quality analysis include various physicochemical, textural, sensory, and electrical methods. Despite the importance of these standard methods, they are expensive and time-consuming and susceptible to variation. Analytical solutions based on near infrared (NIR) have therefore become popular due to speed of analysis, minimal sample preparation and high repeatability. Multiple parameters including moisture, fat, oils, salt, pH and more can be delivered within in half a minute making NIR a versatile solution for different application areas from laboratories seeking a fast turnaround time, to analysis directly in the processing environment.

Advantages of fish and seafood quality analysis include optimal selection of raw material, exact matching of fat content specifications, production efficiency and ultimately, brand protection through compliance with end-product specifications and legal declarations.

Insights add value


Fish process line

Raw material control

Quality assurance of incoming raw material ensures: segregation of raw materials, efficient raw material use, secure homogeneous final products, brand protection.

Process control

Process control ensures: adjustment to secure desired quality, brand protection.

Final product control

Final product control ensures: verification of specification, brand protection.