When quality, efficiency and sustainability come together

With analysis of plant-based food products that enables you to deliver the same high quality every time



The plant-based food industry is in constant and rapid development. More consumers than ever are turning to plant-based food products, and their standards are becoming even higher. And they may be some of the most quality-focused consumers out there: They want a product that is good for both the planet and their health.

It can be a challenge for food manufacturers to stay on top of new business opportunities while also improving production processes and the quality of products. We have market-leading experience across the entire food and agricultural industry on how to improve production processes and achieve consistent food and agricultural quality, and we want to be a value-adding partner to your plant-based business. We know what your challenges are, because we have helped and supported thousands of other businesses within the food and agricultural industry. 

Control your compositions for better quality


We know that many manufacturers of plant-based meat and dairy products struggle with achieving consistent quality in their production, and one of the reasons is a lack of insight into the detailed composition of their products. Did you know that just because you order the same specified raw material from your suppliers does not necessarily mean you get the same final product every time?

If you want to make sure that the composition of your products remains the same over time, you need to be able to measure the key parameters of your ingredients at every step throughout the production process, from raw material to finished product. This will also enable you to use the right volume of raw materials and optimise your production processes, limiting waste and reducing costs.

You can become able to consistently deliver what your consumers want: a delicious, healthy product that is also good for the planet. A product that contains exactly what it says on the label, nothing more, nothing less. A product that looks, tastes and feels like traditional meat and dairy products every time. At the same time, you can improve your processes, reduce costs and improve your top line.

Better for our planet and for your bottom line


When you are constantly on top of key parameters throughout your production process, you can more easily control and optimise your product recipes. By measuring parameters such as fat, moisture and protein levels, you will be able to optimise your quality assurance processes significantly: not only when you receive raw materials from your suppliers but also at several critical points throughout the production process.

This means that you can use your raw materials as efficiently as possible and minimise waste and rework. You will not only be able to optimise production costs but also have more sustainable production processes. In short, it is better for your business, better for your consumers and better for the planet.

And last but not least, you will be able to consistently deliver the same high-quality product that appeals to your consumers. In every batch, every week, every month. Every time.

How quality testing works in plant-based production processes


The quality control of your plant-based products is achieved with advanced analytical solutions. These solutions can measure on several parameters at the places in the production process where it will add the most value to your business.

The controls can include tests on raw material, precise measurements of critical controlling parameters and rapid tests and analyses of final products. We can collaborate with you on identifying the parameters that will offer the most value for money in your plant-based production, and we already offer analytical packages for fat, protein, total solids and moisture. The controls can be done either with bench instruments or with in-line processing depending on your business needs, and the solutions are naturally networked for a seamless and more efficient operations across your business.

By having detailed insights into the composition of your product at every step of your production process, you will be able to maintain a constant overview of the key parameters in your plant-based production. This will not only offer you better control of your processes but will also help to reduce waste and rework, enabling a more sustainable and efficient production.

Want to know more about how to increase quality in your plant-based products?

Get in touch with our specialists to discuss the potential business value for you. Let's talk