Make the most of resources with meat and bone meal analysis

Rapid analysis of meat and bone meal for parameters such as fat, moisture, protein and ash enables agile control of the production process



As global demand for sustainable sources of animal feed and food continues to grow, the rendering industry has a pivotal part to play in the supply chain. In particular, meat and bone meal for feed and tallow for food and industry are the two highly popular outputs from the rendering process. At the same time, the recycling aspect of rendering has a positive sustainability angle, for example, by squeezing the last drops from resources and reducing the release of carbon dioxide from carcass disposal.

Nonetheless, challenges to efficiency and profit in rendering remain. Accurate measurement of protein with meat and bone meal analysis is essential. Similarly, parameters such as fat, moisture and ash are important for ensuring an optimal production process and for product declaration purposes according to strict industry regulation. The rendering process involves high temperature and the process is heavy on resources. Once started, the process is not easy to adjust, but for producers who need to meet specific targets in their final product, agility in the production line is a necessity.

Rapid meat and bone meal analysis of rendered meat for parameters such as fat, moisture, ash and protein enables fast adjustment of the production process. Tests can be performed during processing and on the finished meal products. Advantages include ensuring that the right protein content is reached in the final blend of meal, higher yield in processing and improved brand recognition leading to more sales from improved final product quality and consistency.

Insights add value


Fish rendering

Process control

Control fat, protein, moisture and ash during processing secures production efficiency, optimized value of your meal products and brand protection.

Final product control

Final product control ensures: products within specification, brand protection.

Get more protein from rendering material with in-line NIR

The protein content of final products from rendering will always vary, but with effective segregation, batches can be made to match customers’ exact need for protein content. The trick is to be flexible and fast enough to get it right every time. Using an NIR analyser installed directly in the process provides results every few seconds for continuous and precise control of protein.

From benchtop to in-line
A near infrared instrument in the plant’s laboratory can give a good indication of protein in rendered products, but naturally the amount of tests is limited to the number of samples taken. In addition, the rendering process is conducted at high temperatures and the samples taken for the laboratory instrument are often about 90 -100 Centigrade. These needed to be cooled down slowly to at least 37 Centigrade for testing in the laboratory NIR instrument.

With In-line NIR analysis with a solution such as the ProFoss system , analysis is now integrated into the process. For instance an NIR sensor can be positioned to measure final products just before storage. The sensor is positioned in a pipe with a specially designed glass plate interface that allows the infrared light to measure product material as it passes by. Scanning is made continuously and the results are conveniently displayed on a computer screen.

The continuous flow of results allows operators to decide how to store the products in different silos according to customer orders. In addition to protein, the ProFoss also measures, fat, moisture and ash which gives the operators extra information to help control machinery to get the best protein result.

The NIR instrument in the laboratory is still used for final checks on products and also to check on the results from the ProFoss for a good correlation of laboratory and in-line test results over the lifetime of the ProFoss solution.




Fast and accurate standardization of meat and bone meal with NIRS™ DS3

Fast and accurate standardization of key parameters in meat and bone meal are key when it comes to gaining profit. FOSS expert Davide Manfrin demonstrates how easy it is to prepare samples with the NIRS™ DS3 and get fast, accurate results that make a huge difference for controlling fat, moisture, protein and ash at every step of your rendering production.

Infrared analysis improves the quality control of rendering products used for pet food

Interview with the owner and director of Lipitalia rendering in Italy reveals how rapid analysis of rendering products throughout the production process helps to meet growing calls for specific quality characteristics. These could include, for instance, strict specifications for ash, protein and fat in material destined for pet food production.

Explore the benefits of an inline analytical solution in a rendering production

The protein content of final products from rendering will always vary, but with effective segregation, batches can be made to match customers’ exact need for protein content. Learn how Italian Avicoop has used NIR in-line analyzers in their rendering production process.


Performance, uptime and transparency of data


FOSS solutions draw on multiple technology disciplines including instrumentation, software and connectivity. Among the benefits of this complete solutions approach is rock-solid and consistent high analytical performance of instruments, no matter where they are located and who is using them. Other advantages include transparency and traceability of results and unique levels of service and support.

Smart Analytics Drawing

With you in your daily work


Our integrated and remotely controlled support and optimization services ensure maximum value from all your FOSS solution wherever you are in the world. Beyond on-site maintenance, our service engineers and application specialists are always with you online. The team monitors performance status and secures that your connected analytical operations run smoothly. Our preventive maintenance warrants up-time and quality of data - day after day. Read more.

Explore the value of meat and bone meal analysis

Get in touch with our specialists to discuss how the instant knowledge afforded by meat analysis can make a difference to your business. Let's talk
Meat process image

Improve process and quality control in rendering production with NIR

Learn how rapid meat and bone meal analysis brings value throughout the rendering process. This step-by-step animation illustrates where and how in-line NIR analysis, supported by a NIRS DS3 for validation of results, delivers significant benefits in meat and bone meal production. Learn more

NIRS™ DA1650

A robust, easy to use and IP65 certified analyser for measuring meat by-products.

Ideal for meat plants doing rendering – like to monitor and control fat, protein, moisture and ash in meat & bone meal production.
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Profoss 2 for feed product picture on grey background

ProFoss™ 2

ProFoss™ 2 is installed in-line for measuring content of fat, protein, moisture and ash in the production of meal products in the rendering process.

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Exceptional accuracy for meat & bone meal, feather meal, meat by-products etc.


The innovative NIRS™ DS3 combines unique analytical performance with the latest software and networking services, making reliable test data more easily available than ever. 


Monitor the quality of rendered products and measure key parameters for environmental purposes.

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NIRS DS3 Product Picture

Brochures and Papers

Meat process image

Improve process and quality control in rendering production with NIR

Learn how rapid meat and bone meal analysis brings value throughout the rendering process. This step-by-step animation illustrates where and how in-line NIR analysis, supported by a NIRS DS3 for validation of results, delivers significant benefits in meat and bone meal production. Learn more