OenoFoss™ 2

The fast and easy-to-use OenoFoss™ 2 provides insight for more informed decisions such as when to pick grapes, how to control fermentation or when to bottle. Winemakers can reduce the risk of costly mistakes while gaining insights that help to push the boundaries of winemaking in step with new market opportunities.

See how it works
Oeno Foss 2
Value Icon


Fast and easy testing allows everyone to make reliable measurements even during busy periods when temporary staff are on site.
Sample Icon

Sample Type

Must, must under fermentation, finished & sparkling wine
Parameter Icon


Alcohol, pH, sugars, malic acid, lactic acid, tartaric and many more according to demands of the individual winery. Scroll to the end of this page for a full list of parameters.
Oeno Foss 2

OenoFoss™ 2 joins the team

About the size of a shoebox, the instrument is simple to install in the winery as an extra member of the winemaking team. An intuitive user interface and simple sample handling allows anyone to make a valid measurement. Simply place a sample in the instrument and results for multiple parameters are delivered in less than 1.5 min. for finished wine and must, less than 3.5 min. for must under fermentation and sparkling wine.

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Accurate results without degassing of must or sparkling samples

The OenoFoss™ 2 allows you to get an immediate and objective measurement that truly represents the sample, for example, there’s no need to degas samples for must under fermentation or sparkling wine. 


The ease of use and reliability is particularly important during busy periods when temporary staff are often employed. Whoever is using it, the OenoFoss 2 provides a wealth of information that puts winemakers in full control of the winemaking process. 

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Wine Bubbles
Wine Sample

Performance matched to the industry-leading WineScan

The performance of the OenoFoss™ 2 is built on the shoulders of the benchmark WineScan™ analyser that has served winemakers and wine laboratories for decades. That’s because the analytical packages for both the WineScan and OenoFoss 2 are based on a vast, shared pool of global data. The data has been acquired over many years of partnership with the wine industry and represents growing seasons and regions from around the world.  Read article

Fits with your winery today and tomorrow

The unique range of analytical packages for OenoFoss™ 2 allows you to start small with a few parameters and add more as you need them.


OenoFoss 2 is also smart-enabled to provide unprecedented levels of support while ensuring that valuable analysis data is always safe, traceable and easy to access and share.

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Wine plant

How OenoFoss™ 2 adds value in a dynamic business

In this video interview, Bodegas Trenza explains how a new wine testing solution called the OenoFoss™ 2 is adding value to their family business by providing on-the-spot insights at all stages of the winemaking process. Originally from Denmark, the brothers Tofterup have been making wine in Spain for around 20 years. They chat about how the handy, flexible and easy to use OenoFoss 2 fits perfectly with their dynamic and evolving business.

Do you want to learn how frequent wine analysis can impact your wine business?

Get in touch with our specialists to discuss the insights that can be gained with a wine analysis instrument Get a quote Let's talk