Continuous improvement in quality with raw milk payment analysis

Increased focus on consumer and food safety, makes milk payment the perfect solution to support traceability and regulations.

Milk payment



Milk output and demand has risen sharply over recent decades. In response, dairy farms are becoming fewer, but bigger. Operational costs and productivity are in focus, but so too is the need to meet consumer interest in animal welfare, use of antibiotics and organic farming methods. Above all, sustainability is top-of-mind for the industry and consumers alike.

Living up to high demands for productivity on the one hand and quality standards and good farm practice on the other can be a challenge for any dairy farmer. Inconsistencies in compositional quality for parameters such as fat and protein (and casein) can compromise dairy production. Poor hygiene can affect shelf life. Accidental or deliberate adulteration can threaten food safety.

Streamlined and automated milk payment analysis are more relevant than ever in ensuring that the industry can uphold quality standards while helping farmers to continuously improve the productivity and sustainability of the raw milk supply.

Raising the hygiene level with bacteria counting



Milk with a high bacterial load is an undesirable raw material for dairy production. Although pasteurisation kills the majority of bacteria, their metabolites may cause off-flavours, and enzymes continue their activities resulting in product defects and reduction of shelf life. Most milk payment schemes therefore grade milk according to the level of bacteria.

Traditional plate count methods require at least two days of incubation before a result can be reported back to milk producers and processors farmer. Hygienic problems may go undetected for days, making corrective action more difficult and production losses larger than necessary.

By implementing the approved and rapid BactoScan™ FC+ method, offering results in less than nine minutes, farmers can be advised about possible hygiene breaches the same day as the sample is drawn. Such rapid feedback enables the farmer to correct for leaks, insufficient cleaning or cooling in the milking system, or health problems in the herd. The method includes control samples and other instrument-performance checks. Read more

Screen for adulterants as an integrated part of your analytical operations



Even it is rather rare event, it can come to accidental or deliberate contamination of raw milk within the supply chain. However, the problem is greater in developing milk industries, but even the most well-established dairy farming and delivery systems can suffer from accidental contamination. For example cleaning fluids used to clean milking and milk storage equipement or substances contaminating the cows feed could end up in the milk.

A smart line of defence is that the same analytical equipment used for raw milk analysis can also perform checks for possible adulteration at the same time.

Exploiting powerful FTIR technology, the MilkoScan™ 7 RM provides the most precise and widest scope of adulteration screening capabilities in the industry. You can check for deliberate or accidental adulteration while performing normal quality control tests.

Efficient operations save costs while improving productivity

With FOSS, excellence in analysis starts with highly stable and accurate analysers and extends to all aspects of instrument maintenance and calibration.

Standardised instruments, operational software and comprehensive analytical models

Instruments are standardised to measure the same from instrument to instrument and over time. Design features such as self-cleaning pipettes make it easy to measure even the most difficult samples quickly and efficiently.

Complementing the well-proven instrumentation, networking and operational software makes instrument management straightforward. For instance, automatic sample tracing avoids handling errors and preventive maintenance of the instruments according to our recommendations keeps instruments performing optimally.

FOSS analysers are delivered with global analytical models based on the unique and comprehensive FOSS database built up over decades of activity in the raw milk testing area. A very robust analytical model can be developed to cover many dimensions in the measurement such as race, feeding, season and region. This reduces the number of analytical models required to meeting demands for different tests. An analytical model is easily transferable from one instrument to other instruments, which due to the standardisation will provide identical readings.

Networking software for analytical models management

The connectivity features of FOSS solutions and supporting networking software make it simple and cost effective to manage analytical operations. For instance, an update to an analytical model can be installed on a master instrument and then shared across all instruments in different locations at the click of a mouse button. Such an approach also allows a specialist to monitor and manage remote instruments while operators do not need any specific knowledge and training and can simply run their samples. Read more

FossManager Setup




rmt industry standards



Setting industry standards


FOSS solutions for milk payment have a unique level of compliance with international industry standards.


Valuable insights from fatty acid profile tests

Knowing the fatty acid composition (i.e. fatty acid profile) of raw milk is valuable information for milk processors and milk producers aiming to enhance the quality of dairy products, optimise milk processing and/or optimise dairy cow performance through improved feeding and management. 

A recent study describes the development of global fatty acid models for high-throughput FTIR milk analysers and the possible practical applications of such models in the dairy industry.


Get the insights in this Q & A with one of the authors. 

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Explore the value of efficient milk payment analysis

Get in touch with our specialists to learn how the latest developments in analytical technology can improve milk payment services. Let's talk
Fossomatic 7

Fossomatic™ 7 / 7 DC

Up to 600 samples per hour.

Two models are available: Fossomatic™ 7 for accurate somatic cell counting and Fossomatic™ 7 DC model for somatic cell counting with differential somatic cell counting capability. Compliance with ISO/IDF standards and FDA/NCIMS and EURL/Microval approvals. Available as part of the CombiFoss™ 7.
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BactoScan™ FC+

Analysing bacteria in raw milk in 9 minutes.


Delivering results in just minutes, BactoScan™ FC+ allows farmers or milk testing laboratories to take action fast to preserve and enhance milk quality.

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BactoScan FC Bacteria analysis in raw milk