Since the advent of rapid testing methods over 60 years ago, great strides have been made in improving the productivity of dairy cows. However, further gains are waiting to be made through improvements in:
• Disease management
• Feeding strategies
• Productivity
In response, milk testing laboratories and dairy herd improvement organisations need to deliver relevant, timely and actionable analytical insight to farmers, advisors and veternarians, for example, to adjust feeding strategies. And, as farms and dairy herds get bigger, milk testing centres need to handle more samples more efficiently and deliver more data while keeping operational costs under control.
Multi-parameter analysis of raw milk provides the sophisticated insight that allows dairy farmers to achieve the full potential from their dairy herd. For instance, tests for parameters such as urea, differential somatic cell count, fatty acid profile and many, many more help farmers to improve farm economy by maximizing output of high quality milk at minimum cost.