Detect. React. Detect. React. That’s automated process control
Automated process control is the key to profitability. Reliable, real-time data about product composition every 10 seconds, combined with subsequent control, can reduce variation between batches considerably and help you bring your production even closer to target values.
Move your targets closer to specification
Reduce the protein and fat variation in your standardized products and optimize the average value for increased yield and profit. On-line results integrated in intelligent PID loops will reduce your variation significantly and enable you to move your targets closer to specifications.
For instance, for a milk powder or cheese producer, keeping the variation of fat and protein content in milk as low as 0.01-0.02 %, makes it possible to reduce the give-away of expensive fat and protein by a factor of 10, depending on the starting point.
FOSS can provide dedicated savings and ROI calculations upon request.