
We are a company on a mission, with offices all around the world and over 1.700 talented colleagues from more than 32 different countries. Read more about how we collaborate in order to produce the world’s leading analytical instruments for monitoring and controlling food quality.


R&D department

We have an R&D department of over 300 engineers and technical specialists. It includes hardware engineers, embedded programmers, software developers and technical specialists who develop our instruments from the very first prototypes to the final product. 

Technical Specialists

We have a strong team of technical specialists with a large variety of backgrounds, from astrophysics to microbiology, and working at FOSS means working with a large variety of technologies.


We have developed flow cytometers that can evaluate the number of bacteria and somatic cells in raw milk, X-ray instruments that can monitor and control the fat content in meat production lines, and we have several instruments that use Near Infrared and Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy to evaluate nutritional values of different food products. Strategic collaborations with some of the best universities in Denmark and abroad ensures access to the newest discoveries and the latest technologies.
technical specialists

Data Scientists

Our solutions provide a wealth of data and therefore contain sophisticated data analysis algorithms. Hence, large teams of skilled data scientists/chemometricians and software developers work to implement these methods. The goal is to keep solutions simple and easy to use for our customers, who should not worry about complicated mathematics. That’s our job.
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