
This hammer type mill is specially designed for sample preparation for falling number, gluten index and other reference analysis methods. Built with a focus on the user, the Hammertec is smaller and lighter and designed to make hammer mill operations quieter by at least 1.5 dB compared to existing solutions.

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A quieter hammer mill for a safer and more pleasant working environment.
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Sample type

Dry, flowable whole cereal grain samples: Common wheat, common rye, durum wheat and barley.
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Sample preparation.

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  • Innovative design helps to minimise sample carry-over

    Crushes samples, such as grains, feeds and meals, into a fine and homogenous powder via high speed rotation of a hammer by which the sample is impacted. Innovative design helps to minimise sample carry-over, ensuring more accurate results.
  • Follows key requirements of AACCI/ICC/ISO methods

    AACCI: Sample mill, with 0.5- or 0.8-mm screen to produce meal with particle size distribution as follows: >500 μm, 0–10%; >210 but <500 μm, 25–40%; <210 μm, 75–50%. 

    ISO: Laboratory mill, hammer type, and fitted with a 0,8 mm screen allowing the production of a wholemeal product meeting the particle size specification shown in 8.1.3.

The FOSS Mill Collection

The FOSS Mill Collection consists of four models: the CM 290 Cemotec™, CT 293 Cyclotec™, KN 295 Knifetec™ and Hammertec™ for flexible and safe sample preparation.

Alphatec™ FNo.

Falling number test for sprouting damage in grain and enzyme activity in flour.

Alphatec™ FNo. gives grain receivers a safe and modern way to perform the standard falling number test. Features include a cooling lid to avoid a rush of steam when loading samples and a touch screen interface.

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Technical specification

Products measured and product presentation
Dimensions (w x h x d)
24 x 38 x 55 cm (without Auto-feeder)
24 x 52 x 55 cm (with Auto-feeder)
Weight, operating: 40,6 kg
Power requirements
200-240 VAC 50/60 Hz or 100-120 VAC 50/60 Hz 
Power consumption
1300 W 
Thermal overload relay  200 - 240 VAC, 7 A
100 - 110 VAC, 14 A 
Motor rotation speed
2800 rpm (50Hz)
3400 rpm (60Hz) 
Hammer speed
16800 rpm 
Safety brake  Yes 
Noise level  < 80 dB 
Transient overvoltage 


Indoor use, 5-40° C 
Relative humidity  Maximum relative humidity 80% for temperatures up to 31° C decreasing linearly to 50% relative humidity at 40° C 
Pollution degree 

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