Alphatec FNo

Alphatec FNo provides a safe and modern way to perform standard falling number analysis for sprouting damage in grain and enzyme activity in flour. With hammer mill and cooler included, Alphatec™ is a complete solution from the maker of the renowned Infratec™ Grain Analyser.

See how it works
Value Icon


A modern and safe way to conduct falling number analysis and meet industry standard methods.
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Sample type

Grains and flour.
Parameter Icon


Falling number.

Are you ready to learn more about the new way to meet industry standard methods for falling number analysis?

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  • Touch screen operation

    New technology ensures usability with a touch screen that can reduce training costs by allowing rapid, error-free use by anyone. Other smart usability features are built into the practical design such as the detachable rack and rear connectors. 
  • A safe way to test sprout damage and enzyme activity

    Cooling lid prevents rush of steam when loading samples, avoiding potential injury and insulated sample bath avoids hot surfaces and reduces risk of inadvertent burns. Overflow direct into waste eliminates hot water spillage.
  • Optional cooling unit

    Optional small and efficient cooling unit.