New generation NIR analyser meets the demands of modern meat processing control

2. May, 2018
FOSS announces the FoodScan™ 2, a new-generation near infrared (NIR) analyser offering unique process and quality control possibilities to meet increasingly stringent and time-critical testing requirements.

The FoodScan 2 harnesses the latest in rapid near infrared analytical technology to give a result in as little as just 25 seconds - approximately 50 percent faster than the first FoodScan. At the same time, the new FoodScan 2 provides more parameters for labelling and quality control purposes. 


FOSS, global meat market manager, Poul Erik Simonsen said: “The FoodScan was a revolutionary tool for Meat producers when it was introduced over fifteen years ago. We are now proud to present FoodScan 2 as a worthy successor with the perfect functionality for today’s meat process and quality control.”  


Single test covers the latest labelling requirements for consumer products


Besides the traditional information about content of fat, protein, moisture and collagen, FoodScan 2 delivers important new parameters such as Saturated fat, Carbohydrates, Sodium and Energy. A single test gives all information required to fulfil, for example, the EU requirements for product labelling. 


Simultaneous colour measurement


Colour is becoming an increasingly important consumer choice parameter. With the new FoodScan 2, quality controllers can perform a colour measurement simultaneously with compositional tests. This offers a convenient and time-saving alternative to separate colour measurement equipment or subjective assessment by eye with visual charts. The new option is achieved by an innovative use of both NIR transmittance and transflectance technology in the one unit. 


Further time and cost-savings are offered by the artificial neural network (ANN) calibrations. Based on a vast data pool of global data, the versatile calibration models avoid the unnecessary burden of maintaining many calibration models because significantly fewer are required than with other methods. This also keep costs for calibration validation at a minimum.


Batch standardization 


FoodScan 2 includes new software functionality for automatic batch standardization calculation using results from the analyser. This avoids the need for manual calculation and the associated risk of calculation errors. 


FoodScan 2 Meat

FoodScan™ 2 Pro


Smart installation and reduced cost of administration of instrument units 


The FoodScan 2, instrument standardization makes it faster to install new units while networking facilities save costs on routine maintenance and reporting via new remote support services such as FossAssure. For a producer currently running three FoodScan units it is estimated that moving to the new foodscan™2 with FossAssure will realize yearly operational savings of more than 70.000 USD.


Easy to leverage existing FoodScan investment 


The instrument is designed for rapid installation with backwards compatibility to FoodScan. Software facilities allow calibration models to be moved onto the new FoodScan 2 platform with ease. The networking aspect allows a technician to move calibrations across multiple units and sites in one smooth action performed from the desktop. An automatic backup of all test data ensures that results are always available for traceability.


FoodScan 2 models


FoodScan 2 models include a Lab TS for laboratory operation, a Pro model for use in the production environment and Lab model with a keyboard for users not requiring the touchscreen interface. 


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