Sugar beet is an important global crop – from Asia to the Middle East, from North Africa and Europe to North America, sugar beet is a vital source of sugar, accounting for approximately 20% of world sugar production, or around 34 million tons of sugar produced annually from sugar beet*. In Europe alone, sugar beet accounts for 1% of total utilized arable land**.
However, recovering the sugar from all that beet is a complex and expensive process that is often characterized by high input costs. In this context, the availability of reliable data required to improve production performance can give a vital edge in the battle to improve sugar recovery. In particular, rapid analysis with Near infrared (NIR) can provide a fast and reliable alternative to slow and labour-intensive traditional methods.
Providing multi-parameter test results in seconds at the push of a button, NIR has become widely adopted in food and agri industries, including sugar cane. Why then has the beet industry not yet shared in the obvious benefits of the technology? FOSS in-house expert, Martin Andersson, has over a decade of experience of applying infrared analysis and is an ardent advocate of how it can benefit the beet sector. Here’s what he had to say about how it works, how it can be applied to sugar beet and the potential it has to offer.
Starting with the basics, what is NIR analysis?
Near infrared, or NIR for short, is an accurate and rapid analysis method that is well suited for determining the quantities of the major constituents in most foods and agricultural products.
The overall advantages of using NIR analysis is that it provides rapid analysis data for better decision making. It requires little or no sample preparation and no chemicals or consumables. It is non-destructive, it is operator friendly and it is fast, that is to say from between 30-60 seconds to deliver a result. It works by directing Infrared light onto a sample. The light is modified according to the composition of the sample and this modified light is detected. The spectral modifications are then converted to information regarding the composition of the sample.
And one further point, when we talk about NIR, we refer to the area of the infrared light spectrum defined by the wavelength range of 800 nanometers to 2500 nanometers. This near infrared wavelength area is particularly good for analyzing solid and semi-solid samples. And a sample such as sugar beet pulp is a perfect match here.