Alphatec™ F№
Alphatec FNo 提供了一种安全现代的标准降落数值分析方法,可用于分析谷物发芽损伤的程度和面粉的酶活性。Alphatec™ 配备锤式磨和冷却系统,组合成一套整体化解决方案,与知名的谷物分析仪 Infratec™ 来自同样的制造流程。
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BactoScan™ FC+牛奶细菌分析仪可测量原料奶中的单个细菌细胞。BactoScan™在短短几分钟内即可提供结果,使牧场或牛奶检测实验室能够迅速采取行动,保持和提升牛奶质量。
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CombiFoss™ 7可在6秒内提供19个参数的原料奶检测,包括体细胞计数(SCC)和体细胞分型计数(DSCC)。将MilkoScan™ 7 RM(FTIR)和Fossomatic™ 7/7 DC(流式细胞术)无缝集成在一个分析单元中。
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Take the lead in raw milk testing and stay there. The CombiFoss™ 7 seamlessly integrates MilkoScan™ 7 and Fossomatic™ 7 instruments to test raw milk for up to 19 parameters including the unique differential somatic cell count, allowing you to give farmers more sophisticated data for improved mastitis management. Results are delivered simultaneously in six seconds while unique hardware and software features boost proficiency in the laboratory.
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CM 290 Cemotec™ Sample Mill
CM 290 Cemotec™实验室研磨机是制备谷物和种子样品的理想选择,不会损失NIR或对比分析所需的水分。该研磨机注重安全性,其现代化的设计可确保操作和维护方便。
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CT 293 Cyclotec™ Sample Mill
CT 293 Cyclotec™是用于快速、灵活地研磨饲料、谷物、叶子等各类样品的理想选择,以进行NIR或对比分析。它十分适用于对颗粒大小的细度和均匀度有强制要求的所有样品制备。现代化设计可确保操作和维护方便。
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借助于 DairyScan™,您仅需 45 秒便可对奶酪生产过程中的脂肪和水分含量进行检测,快速而准确,完美适合奶酪年产量低于 7000 吨的小型乳制品生产商。
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Digestor™ 2508
FOSS Tecator系列消化系统允许进行全自动消化,用于方便、安全和灵活的凯氏定氮分析。双向PC通讯支持可追溯性和GLP。可处理8或20个试管。
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Digestor™ 2520
FOSS Tecator系列消化系统允许进行全自动消化,用于方便、安全和灵活的凯氏定氮分析。双向PC通讯支持可追溯性和GLP。可处理8或20个试管。
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DT 208 Digestor™
用于凯氏定氮分析的DT 208和DT 220基本型消化系统都包括一个消化单元和一个试管架。消化单元采用隔热设计,可以最大程度降低与周围环境的热传递,并进行快速、均匀的加热,从而获得良好的工作条件并最大限度减少能耗。
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DT 220 Digestor™
用于凯氏定氮分析的DT 208和DT 220基本型消化系统都包括一个消化单元和一个试管架。消化单元采用隔热设计,可以最大程度降低与周围环境的热传递,并进行快速、均匀的加热,从而获得良好的工作条件并最大限度减少能耗。
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Dumatec™ 8000
Dumatec™ 8000 gives busy laboratories reliable Dumas results in just three minutes at a low cost per sample. Reduced start-up time, extended consumable lifetime and full traceability with integrated software.
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The world’s first image analysis instrument suitable for the objective quality assessment of whole grain helps you to assess incoming grain quickly with greater consistency and with less strain on operations during the busy harvest season. Assess grain quality objectively at the press of a button and monitor your grain receival network from anywhere at any time.
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The world’s first image analysis instrument suitable for the objective quality assessment of whole grain helps you to assess incoming grain quickly with greater consistency and with less strain on operations during the busy harvest season. Assess grain quality objectively at the press of a button and monitor your grain receival network from anywhere at any time.
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FC 221 FiberCap™
Fibertec™ systems are a range of fibre determination instruments that meet recognised methods and standards for crude fibre, detergent fibre and dietary fibre determinations.
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FC 223 FiberCap™
Fibertec™ systems are a range of fibre determination instruments that meet recognised methods and standards for crude fibre, detergent fibre and dietary fibre determinations.
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Fibertec™ 1023
Fibertec™ 1023 是依照确定的酶解方法(包括得到 AOAC、AACC、NMKL 和 Asp 认可的方法),为快速进行膳食纤维测定而专门设计。它包括一个过滤单元和一个振荡水浴,可用于定量测定膳食纤维含量。
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Fibertec™ 8000
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The FT 121 Fibertec™
The FT 121 Cold Extraction Unit can be used in combination with the FT 122 for de-fatting samples and extraction at ambient temperatures and solvent dehydration of fibre residues. It can also be used in connection with the fully automated Fibertec 8000.
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FT 122 Fibertec™
FT 122 Fibertec™是按照标准参比坩埚方法(如Weende、van Soest等)对粗纤维、洗涤纤维等进行简单测定的手动纤维测定系统。
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FoodScan™ is the AOAC approved ’gold standard’ in dairy content analysis. This versatile analyser can be used for checking incoming raw material, support process control of production lines and final product control.
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FoodScan™ is the AOAC approved ’gold standard’ in dairy content analysis. This versatile analyser can be used for checking incoming raw material, support process control of production lines and final product control.
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FoodScan™ 2乳品分析仪
没有最好,只有更好!全新的FoodScan™ 2乳品分析仪不仅可以提高固体和半固体乳制品的质量和一致性,而且可以优化生产工艺。
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FoodScan™ 2肉类分析仪
FoodScan™ 2肉类分析仪是快速、准确和轻松分析肉类和加工肉制品的新的黄金标准。从原材料接收检查到最终产品控制,它可以用于肉类生产的所有阶段。
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基于经久验证的福斯技术,Fossomatic™ 7在几秒钟内就能对原料奶进行体细胞计数。利用快速体细胞计数,农场主能够对奶牛乳腺炎的早期症状采取快速行动,确保生产高品质的牛奶。Fossomatic™ 7可作为CombiFoss™ 7的组成部分。
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GAC® 2500-C
是第一套完全集成到谷物检测网络中的检测谷物湿度的仪器,它让谷物收购商可以使用简单又准确的方法进行水分检测,从而免去使用更复杂的多参数分析仪。它可以通过支持全世界谷物检测网络的 FOSS Mosaic 网络软件完全连接到网络.
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The FOSS Hammertec is a hammer type mill specially designed for falling number analysis. Built with a focus on the user, the Hammertec is smaller and lighter and designed to make hammer mill operations quieter by at least 1.5 dB compared to existing solutions.
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Hydrotec™ 8000
Hydrotec™ 8000特别适合需要处理大量样品的繁忙实验室。它是一种进行自动酸水解的全自动创新系统,无需样品转移。它具有结构紧凑、可进行独特批量处理的特点。
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Infratec™ 1241
第3代Infratec™ 1241是世界上应用最广泛的谷物分析仪。凭借其60年的经验,Infratec™获得全球谷物行业的认可,被誉为谷物分析领域的可靠方法。
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Infratec™ NOVA
谷物分析的全球标准。Infratec™ NOVA可为您的谷物分析提供安全性、可信度和可靠性。它以30年的经验为基础,是一种用于全球市场的全球性系统。
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Infratec™ Sofia
Infratec™ Sofia可为各种规模的谷物验收场所带来精准谷物检测的价值。可移动、易于使用,并与著名的Infratec™ 1241分析仪协调一致。
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Infratec™ Sofia
Infratec™ Sofia可为各种规模的谷物验收场所带来精准谷物检测的价值。可移动、易于使用,并与著名的Infratec™ 1241分析仪协调一致。
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Kjeltec™ 8000 series
The Kjeltec™ 8000 series consists of three models; 8100, 8200 and 8400; for simple and safe distillations with different levels of automation. The Kjeltec™ 8400 in combination with 8420 or 8460 sampler and Tecator™ AutoLift digesters provides the ultimate in automated Kjeldahl analysis.
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Kjeltec™ 8000 series
The Kjeltec™ 8000 series consists of three models; 8100, 8200 and 8400; for simple and safe distillations with different levels of automation. The Kjeltec™ 8400 in combination with 8420 or 8460 sampler and Tecator™ AutoLift digesters provides the ultimate in automated Kjeldahl analysis.
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Kjeltec™ 8400
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Kjeltec™ 8420
This fully automated Kjeldahl analyser is a highly versatile distillation and titration instrument, using the global reference method for protein determination. Ensures optimal throughput and the highest safety standards for use in any laboratory.
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Kjeltec™ 8460
This fully automated Kjeldahl analyser is a highly versatile distillation and titration instrument, using the global reference method for protein determination. Ensures optimal throughput and the highest safety standards for use in any laboratory.
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KT 200 Kjeltec™
KT 200 Kjeltec™蒸馏装置提供了简单可靠的半自动蒸馏安全解决方案,可用于蛋白质测定。可预先设定碱液添加和蒸馏时间,便于获得准确结果,无需操作员干预。
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KN 295 Knifetec™
水冷却KN 295 Knifetec™实验室样品磨是制备高脂肪、高水分和纤维样品的理想选择。现代化设计可确保操作和维护方便。
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MeatMaster™ II
通过对所有肉制品进行持续实时的测定,100% 掌控您的肉制品加工流程。易于在线整合到生产中,每小时扫描量多达 38 吨。标准选项包括脂肪含量分析、重量测定和异物检测。
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MeatMaster™ II
通过对所有肉制品进行持续实时的测定,100% 掌控您的肉制品加工流程。易于在线整合到生产中,每小时扫描量多达 38 吨。标准选项包括脂肪含量分析、重量测定和异物检测。
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MilkoScan™ FT+
The MilkoScan™ 7 is a high capacity, fully automatic analyser (IDF and AOAC compliant) for testing payment and dairy herd samples. It delivers fast, reliable results and offers new options like healthy milk profiling, free fatty acid analysis or casein analysis. It is also available as a part of CombiFoss™ 7 -a seamless integration of MilkoScan™ 7 and Fossomatic™ 7
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MilkoScan™ FT+
The MilkoScan™ 7 is a high capacity, fully automatic analyser (IDF and AOAC compliant) for testing payment and dairy herd samples. It delivers fast, reliable results and offers new options like healthy milk profiling, free fatty acid analysis or casein analysis. It is also available as a part of CombiFoss™ 7 -a seamless integration of MilkoScan™ 7 and Fossomatic™ 7
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MilkoScan™ FT1
M奶制品分析领域内的黄金标准。从牛奶进料、牛奶标准化到最终液体奶制品,MilkoScan™ FT1 可在牛奶生产过程中为您提供最高的准确度和最好的结果。
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MilkoScan™ FT2允许您分析所有液体乳制品,从进料牛奶和牛奶标准化,到高规格的最终液体乳制品。
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MilkoScan™ Mars
MilkoScan™ Mars极其经济高效,让您可以从一个牛奶样品中测量多达六个关键参数。您可以根据需要反复进行检测,而无需额外费用。该仪器取代了许多传统的湿化学测试方法,可立即大幅度降低成本。
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NIRS™ DS2500分析仪除了可对面粉进行可靠的蛋白质和水分分析之外,还可以提供无与伦比的快速灰分分析,从而帮助面粉厂提高产量。强大的功能加上近红外(NIR)的突破性性能,使任何人均可随时随地获得极为准确的测量结果。
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The NIRS™ DS2500 F is a monochromator-based NIR reflectance and transflectance analyser. With a scanning range of 850 – 2500 nm, it gives you stable and reliable results when measuring feed and forage samples in ground or unground form.
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OenoFoss™ 可快速提供关键工艺参数的相关信息,从而帮助酿酒师提升葡萄酒的品质,同时降低葡萄酒分析产生的费用。
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ProFoss™ in-line process analysis solution offers a range of applications for accurate monitoring of your dairy production, from butter to cheese and dairy powders, using high-resolution technology.
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ProFoss™ in-line process analysis solution offers a range of applications for accurate monitoring of your dairy production, from butter to cheese and dairy powders, using high-resolution technology.
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SR 210 Scrubber Unit
For Kjeldahl digestions the SR 210 Scrubber Unit should always be considered for safe and efficient neutralisation of corrosive gases. This replaces the water aspirator, supplied as standard.
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SC 247 SoxCap™
SC 247 SoxCap™是一种对食物和饲料进行总脂肪分析的简单解决方案。煮沸、过滤和淋洗都在密闭容器中进行,无需接触热酸,而且可以使用批量处理工具最大程度降低手动操作。
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Soxtec™ 8000
Soxtec™ 8000提取装置是可以从各种基质快速安全提取可溶物的全自动系统。它执行煮沸、淋洗、溶剂回收和自动关闭四个提取步骤,完全无人值守。只需要加载样品并启动,然后就可以离开。.
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ST 243 Soxtec™
ST 243 Soxtec™手动提取系统具有六个位置和批量处理工具,可用于快速和安全的脂肪分析。适用于食品、饲料、环保等行业产品的各种应用。
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ST 245 Soxtec™
Soxtec™ systems offer fast and safe analysis of crude fat, total fat and extractable matter. Developed to meet recognised standard methods, the range includes the Soxtec™ 8000 and the Soxtec™ 2000 series offering varying degrees of automation for fast and safe extraction of soluble matter from a wide range of matrices.
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ST 255 Soxtec™
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Tecator™ Digestion systems
Tecator™ Digestion systems, with integrated programmable controllers, provide economical and efficient digestion for Kjeldahl analysis. A Digestion System is based on a Digestion block and tube rack with capacity for either eight, twenty or forty tubes.A number of units can be combined to match individual needs, from units capable of handling just a few samples a day up to fully automated systems for high sample throughput.
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WineScan™ SO2
WineScan™ SO2可确保从葡萄收获到装瓶的整个酿酒过程的完全控制。随时可用的定标可以同时分析关键的葡萄酒质量参数,包括游离SO2和总SO2
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